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//-->WINW AA R SUDR MOB MEE RBESTJENNIFERLAWRENCEON MISTAKES,PIECESTO BUY NOWGETSEXAND BEINGSINGLE+GREATMAKEUPMUST-HAVESCARINEROITFELDSTYLESTHE SEASONSKINSWIMSUITSFOR EVERYAGEGET YOURBEACH BODYFASTTHEBEAUTYISSUESensuous feel,saturated color.Drench your lipsin vivid matte.NEW™Subtle doesn’t cut it,vivid mattersto me.®Maybelline.com/vividmatteJourdan is wearing New Color Sensational®Vivid Matte Liquid™ in Fuchsia Ecstasy.©2016 Maybelline LLC.STUNNING LIPSA bold pout lets your mouth do all the talking without saying a word“MATTE LIPSTICK adds an element of texture to the face that draws attention to lipswhether the shade is nude or bright,” says celebrity makeup artist Beau Nelson. “Pickwhichever shade makes you feel most confident.” Before applying lipstick, prep yourlips by letting a hydrating balm soak in while you do your face and eye makeup—lipcolor comes last—then blot off excess with a tissue. Use the applicator wand startingat the center of your lips and paint the color toward the corners. For a super-preciseline, dip a lip brush in makeup remover and use it to clean up the edges.➤P R E T T YP O U TMaybelline New YorkColor SensationalVivid Matte Liquidlip color in BerryBoost ($7.99)NudeFlushPinkChargeOrangeShotROBERT JASO/TRUNK ARCHIVE. STILL LIFE: CHRISTOPHER COPPOLA/STUDIO DNudeThrillElectricPinkRebelRedFuchsiaEcstasyBrought to you by Maybelline New YorkShape, define, highlight.Thecontouredface.Nowin aNew Yorkminute.1/contour2/blush3/highlightNEW™FACE CONTOURING KIT®Definingmoment?I’mready for it.Get expert tips atMaybelline.comGigiis wearing New Face Studio®Master Contour™ Face ContouringKit.©2016 Maybelline LLC.COMPLEXIONPERFECTIONSculpt your face with a few strokes of a makeup brush“CONTOURING ENHANCES your natural bonestructure,” says Nelson.“The added shadows in the hollowsof your cheeks bring out the middle part of your face,making your eyes and lips stand out more.” First, sweep thedarkest shade just under your cheekbones starting almostat the ears, then touch the bright blush onto the apples ofFor medium skintones, try MaybellineNew York FaceStudio MasterContour in Mediumto Deep ($12.99)G L O W I N Gyour cheeks. Finish with a dusting of highlighter on thehigh points of your face.You can also add a bit to yourCupid’s bow to enhance the plumpness of your pout. Thebiggest secrets for contouring success? “Use a light hand—tap off excess powder first—and make sure you use theexact right shade for your skin tone,” he says.➤S K I NFROM LEFT: GAVIN O’NEILL/BLAUBLUT-EDITION.COM; GYSLAIN YARHI/BLAUBLUT-EDITION.COM. STILL LIFE: JON PATERSON/STUDIO DFor lighter skin tones,try Maybelline New YorkFace Studio MasterContour in Light toMedium ($12.99)Brought to you by Maybelline New York [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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