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//-->CLINTON'S CARNAGEOFCONGRESS,CONSTITUTIONANDCOUNTRYByPaul Edward Hadinger' A Must-Read for all Americans...'From the pen of Paul Hadinger, a former federal agent with a top-secret clearance, comes this gripping, behind-the-scenesexamination of the plagues that have visited this great nationthrough the deliberate, subversive leadership of President WilliamJefferson Clinton and associates. This "leadership" is pushing thisonce-proud country toward subservience to the United Nations anda one-world government.Armed with a probing review of the alarming incidences of violencethat grips this nation, Hadinger details the systematic, evenpathological, approach of the Clintons' brand of loyalists toward theeventual goal of disarming the citizenry and bringing into submissionwhat the Administration believes to be its feudal subjects.The author-patriot's no-holds-barred approach and keen analysiswill stir the soul and intellect of any reader truly interested inlearning the depths to which this Administration has plunged his"Amerika." With willing major-media assistance, Comrade andMrs. Clinton have pulled the proverbial wool over the eyes of theunsuspecting taxpayers of the United States.Hadinger has produced a work with pages and pages of docu-mentation that supports his thesis. With the facts and evidence, hesends a stern warning that doesn't spare Democrats or Republicans.Will this be the book that serves as a wake-up call for theslumbering masses being led down the path to certain destruction?This book is a must read for all Americans concerned about thiscountry.CONTENTSPagePREFACE ................................................................................................iChapter12.3.4.Introduction ................................................................... 1Understanding "Clintonese" ........................................ 9"Coincidence" Clinton ................................................ 17Control by "Convenience" Through ClandestineContrivance ................................................................. 23Any Actual Rights Left In TheUnited States? ............................................................ 31"Hate Crime" Legislation ............................................ 39Are We Already Under A Left-Wing Dictatorship? .. 49Clinton & Milosevic: Any Differences? ........................59Clinton & Hitler: Any Differences? ......................66Clinton & Gang Leaders: Any Differences? .. 709.10.Kosovo: What Should We Conclude?..........................75Unspoken Goal: Failure Of NATO, Ascendancy OfUnited Nations ............................................................ 83Germany And The European Union (EU) ................... 935. Regarding Russia .................................99Communist China. Foe And Competitor ................... 103How Powerful Is The United States? ........................ 113Decimation Of Our Military/National Defense ..119"Foreign" Foreign Policy .......................................... 133Are United States Military Forces Being Trained To Defend Us, OrTo Disarm Us And Turn Us Over To United Nations One-WorldGovernmentControl?..................................................................... 143Deep Underground Military BasesAnd The Black Budget ....................................... 151Development Of Military Technology,Implied German Interest In HyperspacialTechnology .......................................................... 152The Fire Fight At Dulce Base ............................ 153Schneider's Worries About GovernmentFactions, Railroad Cars And ShackleContracts..............................................................153America's Black Program Contractors.................155Star Wars And Apparent Alien Threat.................155Stealth Aircraft Technology UseBy U.S. Agencies And The United Nations . 156The Guardians Of Stealth And DeltaForce Origins Of The Bosnia Conflict ................. 156Thoughts On The Bombings InThe United States................................................ 157The Truth Behind The RepublicanContract With America ....................................... 159Some Statistics On The BlackHelicopter Presence..............................................159Government Earthquake Device,AIDS As A Biological WeaponBased On Alien Excretions ................................16018.Y2K (Year 2000) ComputerProblem: Whose Fault7...............................................169Another Possible AvenueFor Gun Confiscation: Y2K .......................................18720.21.Brief Review: Anti-Gun Agenda................................193Anti-Gun Political Demagoguery, Naivete _______199Tobacco And Guns...............................................216Another Federal "Con Job:" The NRA ................217More "Gintonese" As Applied ToOur Constitution...................................................21922."Equal Protection" Considerations: Laws For Pro-Crime People.................................................................................. 223More "Shady" (Brady) Bills? .................................. 22719.23.
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