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//-->Having It All...and Making It Work:Six Steps for PuttingBoth Your Career andYour Family FirstD. Quinn MillsSasha K. MattuKirstin R. HornbyPEARSON EDUCATION, INC.Praise forHaving It All ... and Making It Work:“This is not just another intimidating book on balancing your life—itis an approachable, realistic look at the age-old question: whichcomes first: family or career? Its solutions are practical, hopeful, andprincipled.”—DR. STEPHENR. COVEY,author,The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“I like this concept of balance because it takes into account the realityof conflicting priorities. When your work and family are both very im-portant to you, as they are to me and most of my professional friends,how do you cope? I’ve opted for a work situation that allows me to bevery involved with my wife in the challenging role of parenting.”—STEVEYOUNG,ESPN Broadcaster and two-time NFL MVP“Work/life balance is one of the most daunting personal challengesthat individual managers face today. Mills, Mattu, and Hornby havedone an exceptional job in putting together a very readable and prac-tical guide to overcoming that challenge—and turning the frustrationof imbalance into the joy of balance.”—ORENHARARI, PH.D.,author ofThe Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell“One hour with this book can make a lifetime of difference. Theauthors offer a practical framework with useful insights on manag-ing the conflicting priorities of work and family.”—JOELSHULMAN,Associate Professor, and Robert WeissmanTerm Chair of Entrepreneurship, Babson College“I am impressed with this book and plan to use it in my courses onOrganizational Leadership. It will be an important addition to ourcurriculum. My students will be well served by such wisdom.”—MICHAELQUIGLEY,Professor of Organizational Leadership, Brevard College“This is wise counsel for anyone who wants a fully engaged life. It ispossibility thinking turned into life-enhancing action planning. If heed-ed, it could change your life. If heeded by many it could change work-place norms. Read it and pass it on.”—LOISA. VITT, PH.D.,Founding Director, Institute for Socio-FinancialStudies and mother of six grown children“HavingIt All… and Making It Workis both simple and profound. It pro-vides practical tips, tools, and guidelines to help professionals havea better life and achieve what is really important.”—MARSHALLGOLDSMITH,described inFast Companyas America’s preeminent executive coach,inForbesas one of five most respected executive coaches,and inThe Wall Street Journalas one of the top ten executive educatorsHaving It All…and MakingIt Work
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