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This is a triumph.
Rather, this will be. The experiment known as Portal will be your
proving ground. Through a variety of testchambers and challenges,
you'll risk life and limb to get to the next room. And though things
seem simple at first, they won't stay so.
Please firmly seat your thinking cap before diving into our Portal
guide. That was a joke. Hah hah.
In this Portal strategy guide, you'll find:
BASICS // An introduction to the mechanics of Portal play.
Hint: It'll warp somethin'!
WALKTHROUGH // Our Portal walkthrough, with tips for completing each of the 20 confounding testchambers.
Guide by:
Mark Ryan Sallee
¨ 2007, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part,
without IGNÓs express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.
All rights reserved.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Portal Basics
Before thoughtlessly (dangerously?) stepping foot into your first portal, take time to learn the basics of Portal play.
Obviously, this isn't an every-day sort of first person game.
Rules of the Portal Gun
BLUE to ORANGE, ORANGE to BLUE // This is the basic premise of the portal: go in through the blue portal and you'll
come out through the orange portal. Or reverse! Go in through the orange portal and you'll come out through the blue
portal. This rule never fails, and the portal gun never gets more complicated than that.
PORTAL SURFACES // Using the portal gun, you can create portals pretty much anywhere you want...provided there's
a surface to stick to. Certain texturesÏgenerally dark-colored wallsÏwill not take portals. As well, you cannot stick a
portal to a wall that doesn't have room for the full size of a portal. There's no limit to how many times you can fire the
portal gun, but don't be surprised if you're unable to create a portal on certain walls. As you get deeper into the game,
the surfaces that reject portals become more numerous.
Special note: Pay attention to your portal gun's aiming reticle. If the circular part of the reticle is hollow, the surface
you're aiming at is not capable of taking a portal. If the reticle's color fills in, then you can place a portal on the surface
you're aiming at.
CAN YOU SHOOT THROUGH STUFF? // No! At least generally. Though some surfaces, like glass, will not take portals,
you can not shoot through them to hit portal-able walls behind them. As well, you cannot shoot portals through particle
fields (those barriers found in front of every chamber's exit). And you cannot shoot portals through other portals.
You can, however, shoot portals through mesh grating. Go figure.
Incandescent particle fields are those pseudo walls that are in front of every
testchamber exit. You can walk through these electronic fields without a problem, but you cannot carry objects through
them. And like we said earlier, you cannot shoot portals through the particle fields. More importantly, portals you've
created will actually disappear every time you pass through an incandescent particle field. Just think of these particle
fields as big, intangible reset buttons for your portal gun...and your items...and your hopes.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Momentum Jumps
Momentum jumps are one of the dopest and illest aspects of Portal play. The basic idea is that if you build up
momentum before heading into a portal, you'll carry that momentumÏthat forward motionÏas you exit the other end of
the portal. Generally, the best way to build momentum leading into a portal is to drop down into it. Fire a portal on a
ground level far below you, then jump from a higher level, diving into the portal. You'll build up speed during the fall
which will continue to propel you out of the exit portal.
Generally, momentum jumps are used to sort of catapult yourself over chasm. Lay down an orange portal on a vertical
wall overlooking a chasm and drop the blue entry portal on a low level ground. Take a massive dive into the blue portal
and you should shoot out of the orange portal, flinging over the chasm. Told you it was ill.
Alright, so Portal's not a typical first person game, and generally your only adversary is the challenge of the puzzles.
However, there are some potentially dangerous "enemies" to watch out for.
HIGH ENERGY PELLETS // These bouncing energy balls are generally part of a testchamber's puzzle, and while they
may seem harmless they are actually not. Getting hit by an energy pellet means instant death, so be careful in rooms
where they're bouncing. Generally, you can crouch underneath the energy balls to avoid their sting. Also, if you're
holding a weighted storage cube in your hands, you can use the cube to deflect the energy pellets.
TURRET BUDDIES // We call these little turrets buddies because they're so adorable, but don't take them lightly. If a
turret locks onto you with its laser sight, it'll drill you into submission with machinegun fire. The turret buddy's weakness?
They tip over so easy! Portal warp behind a turret buddy and you can simply pick it up and toss it on its side. As well,
you can create portals over the top of turrets and drop objects (like weighted storage cubes) through the portal and onto
the heads of the turret buddies.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Portal Walkthrough
Testchamber 00
Wait for a portal to appear in your cell and walk through it. The hall to the left leads to the first testchamber, which is
really quite simple.
A weighted storage cube will drop from a dispenser in the corner of the room. Pick up the cube, then walk it over to the
big, red floor switch. Drop the weighted cube onto the floor switch and it'll open a door at the other end of the room. Pass
through the opened door to continue to the next testchamber.
Testchamber 01
Drop down to the floor below and note the orange portal on the wall behind you. The orange portal is the entry point of
the portal and the exit point is...warping. There are four self-contained rooms in the chamber you're in, and the blue
portal (the exit portal) is warping between the three rooms that you're not in.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
In one of the three rooms is a red floor switch. In another of the three rooms is a weighted storage cube. In the third
room is the level's exit. Wait for the blue portal to warp to the room with the weighted storage cube (you can see the
cube by looking through the stationary orange portal). Step through the portal to grab the cube, then step back through
the portal to return to the first room with the orange portal.
Wait now for blue portal to warp to the room with the red floor switch. Drop the weighted storage cube on top of the
switch and then step back through the portal to return to the first room. When the blue portal warps to the room with the
testchamber's exit, pass through to complete the testchamber.
Testchamber 02
This testchamber is very simple, though you'll have to wait around a bit at first. There's a doorway that's locked and you
can't do anything to open it. Except wait. The door will eventually open, and if you're quick enough you can catch the
blue portal in the following hall before it rotates to another wall.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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