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Ko whakapaukorero te maunga
Ko Tarawera te awa
Ko Ngati Awa te iwi
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Te Kohika te pa
Ko Tupai, Ko Tutarakauika, Ko Te Rangihiiria, Ko Tuara nga taniwha
Ko Matataketake me Tiki nga mauri kohatu
Ko Te Awa o Te Atua te kotore
Ko Otamaroroa te papa whenua
Ko Tamarau te kaitiaki wairua
Ko Te Kaokaoroa te akua
Ko Waimea, Ko Waitepuru, Ko Awatarariki, Ko Awaitipaku, Ko Awaiti,
Ko Omehue, Ko Awakaponga, Ko Te Waikamihi, Ko Mangaone nga awa
Ko Te Otaramuturangi, Ko Tiepataua, Ko Te Awakaponga, Ko Te Ahikokoai,
Ko Awatarerehika, Ko Te Umuhika nga urupa.
Ngati Awa pepeha
Whakapaukorero is the mountain
Tarawera is the river
Ngati Awa is the tribe
Mataatua is the canoe
Te Kohika is the pa
Tupai, Tutarakauika, Te Rangihiiria, and Tuara are the guardians
Matataketake and Tiki are the talismans
Te Awa o Te Atua is the estuary
Otamaroroa is the locality
Tamarau is the spirit guide
Te Kaokaoroa is the coastline
Waimea, Waitepuru, Awatarariki, Awaitipaku, Awaiti, Omehue, Awakaponga,
Te Waikamihi and Mangaone are the streams
Te Otaramuturangi, Tiepataua, Te Awakaponga, Te Ahikokoai, Awatarerehika
and Te Umuhika are the cemeteries.
Ngati Awa proverbial saying
The archaeology of a late Maori lake village in
the Ngati Awa rohe, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Edited by Geoffrey Irwin
First published 2004
Auckland University Press
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand
© the authors 2004
ISBN 1 86940 315 0
This book is Memoir 9 of the Whakatane and District Historical Society,
which has provided assistance with its publication.
National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Kohika : the archaeology of a late M¯ ori lake village in the Ng¯ti
Awa rohe, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand / edited by Geoffrey Irwin.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-86940-315-0
1. Ngati Awa (New Zealand people)—Antiquities. 2. Excavations
(Archaeology)—New Zealand—Kohika (Rangitaiki Plains)
3. Kohika Site (N.Z.) I. Irwin, Geoffrey.
993.4201—dc 22
This book is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of private study,
research, criticism, or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may
be reproduced by any process without the prior permission of the publisher.
Designed and typeset by Amy Tansell
Printed by Printlink Ltd, Wellington
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